Theme One

Levels and Trends of Inequality

Previous analyses have reached contradictory conclusions regarding the levels and trends in inequality. Besides, there is little known about the distribution of wealth, education, healthcare and land in the LAC region, across and within countries, and its determinants.

The first theme concerns examining the facts about levels and trends of inequality, seeking to reconcile previous analyses. We take a stand on how to interpret conflicting narratives obtained from administrative data, household surveys and national accounts. We analyse inequality beyond income in a variety of dimensions including wealth, health and education. We consider inequality of treatment which may lead to inequalities of respect and agency, and constant attention is paid to horizontal differences by gender, race and ethnicity.

Panel Members

Francisco H. G. Ferreira (300x300)

Francisco H. G. Ferreira

London School of Economics and Political Science

Facundo Alvaredo (300x300)

Facundo Alvaredo

Paris School of Economics and École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales


Ana María Ibáñez

Inter-American Development Bank

Nora Lustig (300x300)

Nora Lustig

Tulane University

François Bourguignon (300x300)

François Bourguignon

Paris School of Economics

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